GIEC – 3rd Annual VRP Workshop
The Georgia Industry Environmental Coalition (“GIEC”) will be holding its 3rd Annual VRP Workshop on Wednesday, September 19th from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. The workshop will focus on current developments surrounding the VRP program as well as select technical issues. Doug Cloud, Partner at Kazmarek Mowrey Cloud Laseter LLP, is the GIEC HSRA Workgroup Chair and will be the facilitator for the workshop. EPD’s Land Protection Branch Chief, Response & Remediation Program Manager and all available R&R staff will be in attendance through lunch. In addition, Georgia Representative Lynn Smith, Chair of House Natural Resources and Environment Committee, will provide the keynote address, “More than an Environmental Cleanup Program: It’s about Creating Jobs, Growing Our Economy, Cutting Red Tape and Revitalizing Our Communities.”
Program and registration information can be found here. There is no registration fee for GIEC members. There is a registration fee ($150) for non-members. This workshop has sold out in the past two past years so early registration is strongly recommended.